Kanpur AnchalikaMahavidyalaya, Kanpur, Dist. Cuttack in the state of Odisha is an established Non-Govt. Aided College offering academic programmes up to Degree level in Humanities and Science. Being established in the year 1978 , it has completed thirty five years of its existence. The sapling that was implanted on 01.11.1978, is now in a growing stage and I hope it will be metamorphosed to a full fledged institution complete in all respect in the years to come. In the last three and half decades of its existence it has contributed immensely for the spread of higher education in this remote part of state catering the academic need of the rural population of this locality . Situated in a calm, serene, green and picturesque spot in the bosom of nature, it has a congenial atmosphere of learning . The Institution is committed to its social commitment of bringing down higher education to the grass root level and imparting higher education to the poor rural students & Our Institution is Accredited with B Grade by NAAC.